Quick results for some of the matches saw Dolph ziggler win the intercontinental championship from the miz and Paige capturing the divas title from aj. Ziggler winning says that wwe is finally going to use him in a significant way, which is great news for the fans because Dolph is great and the ring.
Bray Wyatt gained momentum and really stepped into a new level as he defeated Chris Jericho in a very solid match. What separates this Wyatt win from others is that it was a clean win and done without any assistance from the Wyatt family. It was a well told story that played Bray's unique character and skill set against the veteran Jericho and the goal was to get bray over strong and it was a success. Wyatt was elevated and the feud in an odd way could end or continue.
Dean ambrose and Seth Rollins both helped themselves become stars last night in one of the more unique lumberjack matches I can recall and also one of the more exciting. Ambrose is well on his way to being the potential top guy and the crowd is so crazy rooting for him in a good wrestling way. To a lesser degree Rollins is getting over as a heel and is so technically sound and solid that he will be a top player for a long time to come. Rollins won the match by using the briefcase after loads of lumberjack interference, kane interference and brawl that went around the building. This is a great example of gaining from a loss as ambrose comes out stronger than he started and this feud, excitedly, will continue.
The flag match featuring jack swagger versus rusev was good but odd. Before the match rusev had his ankle injured by swagger so rusev, the bad guy, played the vulnerable underdog and triumphantly overcame adversity to win the match. I thought this could have been a big coming out for the real american jack swagger but instead he and zeb were left laying and while I thought we would see this match once more it appears this rivalry is over.
Roman reigns won the match that he needed to win. Seeing how the main event went the randy Orton battle with roman reigns needed to be the back and forth ups and downs match up summerslam needed. Orton controlled the match and eventually reigns made his come back and the two had several exciting spots and roman reigns got the win he needed.
Then there was the main event. WWE did the gutsiest move that I can recall since ultimate warrior pinned hulk hogan at wrestlemania 6. WWE had their number 1 top babyface, who has built his character on his heart and determination, and he was demolished. He was given almost no offense, took deveststing German suplexes and Brock lesnar was mocking and laughing at cena throughout the match. Brock lesnar became a great attraction at summerslam, he became an unbeatable juggernaut that at the end of the show you wondered who could stop him. The mauling that was given john cena did more to cement a conquerer and create a legitimate special must see draw that the wwe network needs. Summerslam was the crowning of the unstoppable unbeatable destroyer; and just think how important it will be when some one finally defeats him. The man that stops Brock lesnar will become at that moment the new face of wwe and that is why lesnar beating the streak, pounding john cena and not being overexposed on television will all be worth it for world wrestling entertainment. I couldn't be more excited to see Brock lesnar, on a part time basis, be the conquerer. Who on earth would want to face him after the beating he put on super cena at summerslam.
Now, the negatives from sunday, I don't know how well the wwe network feed was for everyone but in my living room for my summerslam party it was not the best network showing. A lot of stalls, glitches, timing errors and freezing made for a frustrating time watching the biggest show of the summer. On a night that the wwe network, which they have pushed at nauseam, needed to be awesome it struck out where we were watching. I answer the "how is the network" question with high praise, I love it and it is an innovation made for someone like me. But, last night it was the network, which is $9.99 per month, time to shine and it fell flat.
The network did not ruin summerslam but it certainly hindered it and turned a great show into a pretty good show. I thought this was a major victory for the wwe and most of its main roster, I wish it was also a win for the network but it wasn't. With the major focus of wwe on TV being to subscribe to the network wwe needs to give its fan base more shows like summerslam but on a much better server network. But that is just this marks remarks.
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