Sunday, August 14, 2016

NXT stays strong or how to run a promotion

Following the brand split and draft one thing became abundantly clear: the nxt roster will be changing drastically. Finn balor, American alpha, Mojo rawley (who cares), Alexa bliss, Carmela and Nia Jax all got drafter to raw or smackdown during the draft; bayley is only a matter of time. Samoa joe and nakamura have to counting down the days and I feel the revival is not far behind either. Not to mention sami zayn before and Apollo crews, Enzo and Cass, the vaudevillains and baron corbin were called up right after wrestlemania. That is 19 potential known commodities leaving nxt within four months. That would cripple just about any major television wrestling brand to its core; however, nxt just rolls along without missing a beat.
They are using samoa joe, shinsuke nakamura and bayley the best they can but, more importantly, what they are doing is bring in fresh faces behind all of the top talent. Austin aries arrived and is making no way jose seem legitimate, American alpha put of author's of pain very strong, Bobby roode was introduced seemingly being put at the top of the card, wrestlers like Johnny Gargano, Tommaso chiampa, ty dillinger, Andrade almas are being featured now. They have completely rolled over the entire women's division aside from bayley and Asuka successfully. Not to mention hideo itami has come back. Finally, with the success of the cruiserweight classic I'm sure some of the wrestlers will join nxt before starting on raw.  Nxt managed to refill almost their entire roster seamlessly and successfully. As a wrestling fan for a long time I have never seen a roster turn done so well. To have so much talent leave without a let down on the show speaks volumes of the strategy of focus on top guys while building the under card so that everyone is ready to step up as the top stars are elevated to the main roster. The amount of focus on featuring the mid card guys so they are constantly growing and progressing is remarkable. Why is this strategy not being used at the main roster level is beyond me. While Undertaker, Bret hart and Shawn Michaels carried the main events performers like Steve Austin,  triple h and The Rock honed their craft en route to being the next top stars. This worked with stars like Jericho, angle, edge, guerrero, batista, Randy Orton and John cena! Then it kind of stopped, unexplicably.
NXT has resurfaced this archaic strategy and it is working like a charm. The perfect mixture of building stars with established veterans and time to develop characters, grow as performers and hone their skills before they are rushed to main events before they are ready makes NXT easy must see television.
Could you imagine if raw was focusing on Seth rollins challenging Finn balor and Roman Reigns versus rusev while also allowing cesaro, owens and zayn to build legitimate credibility instead of lousy win some lose some meaningless stuff that gets no one over? So, when the main events inevitably become stale they can rotate guys in and out and the fan base actually believes it to be viable. What a wonderful wrestling world it would be. If cesaro finally got to challenge Seth rollins or Finn balor for the universal championship and it actually meant something the product would be so much more interesting and entertaining. Imagine if you didn't know for certain who was going to win a royal rumble because wwe was able to have multiple established bona-fide challengers involved in the match. It would be incredible! It's not impossible, nxt shows you how to do it every week. And, amazingly, nxt is a very good show most all the time. 
Are you not watching nxt, yet? You should be. It is easy to watch and a tremendous show. NXT is a great reminder of how good wrestling can be, how simple cohesive stories and quality in ring wrestling can produce great wrestling shows that are just so good. Summerslam will be the biggest wrestling event of the summer in North America but nxt takeover: Brooklyn will likely be the better performance of that weekend. It will have all the emotion, drama and athleticism of summerslam without the convoluted mish mash that pro wrestling has become.

That is just this marks remarks and if you like what I have to say or you would like to tell me what you think please subscribe to this blog, like the Facebook page at and follow on twitter @amarkremarks thank you very much and please keep supporting.

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